Fuck Ron Paul

That’s all I have to say about that.

And fuck all you pseudo-Libertarian (hell, big L or little l) douchebags, too.

Not really having anything to do with Ron Paul, though, but…

Why is it that so many intelligent people that I respect for so many reasons happen to be dipshit libertarian asshats? Why?

Penn & Teller. Trey Parker & Matt Stone. Why? Seriously. What the fuck. They’re so smart, otherwise.

Is it just because as Americans, they’ve seen the government fuck up so badly that they can’t see any solution other than getting rid of the whole damned thing? Or what.

I dunno. I’m drunk. But I’m also Canadian, and a semihemidemi-socialist.

More taxes for everyone!

Yayyyyyy taxes!

64 thoughts on “Fuck Ron Paul

  1. LOL

    Compared to the US, Sweden is at least 36% socialist.

  2. LOL

    Compared to the US, Sweden is at least 36% socialist.

  3. If Paul doesn’t get the nomination, third party it will be for me.

    In Nevade they have a “None of the above” function on the ballot. I don’t think they have that in other states.

  4. If Paul doesn’t get the nomination, third party it will be for me.

    In Nevade they have a “None of the above” function on the ballot. I don’t think they have that in other states.

  5. I can’t imagine to the left of the liberal party! ….But then many people can’t imagine the libertarian party.

  6. I can’t imagine to the left of the liberal party! ….But then many people can’t imagine the libertarian party.

  7. Dangers of big government… depends on the type of government. I’m not real into say… communism. The power still has to lie with the people. Which is why, yeah, America would be fucked with more government. And why Canada could really use some electoral reform before they wind up just as fucked.

    Cascadian, and I’m all for the New World Order, if you’re that particular brand of loony. It’s hard to tell, but quite frequently, when people bring up the Fraser Institute in the context of anything North American Uniony, they are indeed nutso.

    Libertythor, if there’s no “none of the above”, Americans could always eat their ballots like the Edible Ballot Society in Alberta did a few elections back…

    Bleh. Does America have a Marijuana Party? I’d vote for them… Oh, wait. They do. And they’re into libertarian goop? Fuck it. Is there at least an equivalent to the mostly-defunct Rhinoceros Party of Canada?

  8. Dangers of big government… depends on the type of government. I’m not real into say… communism. The power still has to lie with the people. Which is why, yeah, America would be fucked with more government. And why Canada could really use some electoral reform before they wind up just as fucked.

    Cascadian, and I’m all for the New World Order, if you’re that particular brand of loony. It’s hard to tell, but quite frequently, when people bring up the Fraser Institute in the context of anything North American Uniony, they are indeed nutso.

    Libertythor, if there’s no “none of the above”, Americans could always eat their ballots like the Edible Ballot Society in Alberta did a few elections back…

    Bleh. Does America have a Marijuana Party? I’d vote for them… Oh, wait. They do. And they’re into libertarian goop? Fuck it. Is there at least an equivalent to the mostly-defunct Rhinoceros Party of Canada?

  9. “Cascadian, and I’m all for the New World Order, if you’re that particular brand of loony. It’s hard to tell, but quite frequently, when people bring up the Fraser Institute in the context of anything North American Uniony, they are indeed nutso.”

    So you’re in favor of undermining BC environmental standards and the syphoning of BC water to feed So. Cal. golf courses. Yes, we are different kinds of nuts.

  10. “Cascadian, and I’m all for the New World Order, if you’re that particular brand of loony. It’s hard to tell, but quite frequently, when people bring up the Fraser Institute in the context of anything North American Uniony, they are indeed nutso.”

    So you’re in favor of undermining BC environmental standards and the syphoning of BC water to feed So. Cal. golf courses. Yes, we are different kinds of nuts.

  11. FYI, for the record, and then I’m closing the thread, because it’s booooring, and this is not what my website is about (I was just drunkenly annoyed by one too many articles about Ron Paul on Digg last night): I’m about as libertarian as it’s possible to be on social issues (probably moreso than any of you, really), but economically, I’m left, left, left (just not the American sort of left).

  12. FYI, for the record, and then I’m closing the thread, because it’s booooring, and this is not what my website is about (I was just drunkenly annoyed by one too many articles about Ron Paul on Digg last night): I’m about as libertarian as it’s possible to be on social issues (probably moreso than any of you, really), but economically, I’m left, left, left (just not the American sort of left).

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