Re: Vagisil Screening Kit… Women, stop being idiots.

I keep seeing commercials for Vagisil’s new yeast infection screening kit. It includes two screening wands that you’re meant to stick up your cunt and watch for a colour change, and a colour guide to match the wand to. Depending on what colour the wand turns, the instructions indicate what sort of an infection you might have. The kit costs about $15. Which is retarded. Because I can buy a container of 100 pH test strips for about $1.50. But then, I’d probably have to touch my vagina. Oh. Em. Gee. Or I could pay my $20 copay to go to a doctor in order to get a proper diagnosis, but that might be embarrassing.

Seriously. If there’s something wrong with your cooch and you’re unsure enough about what it might be that you’d buy Vagisil’s crap on a stick, you need a doctor. Go to a frigging doctor.

At least until someone in the states comes out with a useful test, like this Savvycheck: DIY Yeast Diagnosis doohickey that I found while searching for Vagisil’s hunk o’ junk. It’s actually pretty cool… It contains anti-yeast antibodies that react with infection antigens, if they are present, causing the test line to turn blue. There ought to be more home testing kits like this. The cost of going to a doctor and then having lab tests done is ridiculous — and this Savvycheck thing apparently has 90% accuracy.

Unlike a pH testing wand that may or may not indicate that it’s kind of sort of possible that you have some type of infection, maybe, and it might be a yeast infection, but it’s not absolutely certain, so you just wasted your $15, now get yourself to a doctor anyway, like you should have done in the first place.

93 thoughts on “Re: Vagisil Screening Kit… Women, stop being idiots.

  1. I was searching for information on the “self diagnosing” test strip. Your review and subsequent comments are helpful, to me at least. I hate going to the doctor myself, but sometimes it’s necessary, at least for women. There really is NO excuse for not getting regular pap smears. There are plenty of free or low-cost health clinics for those who do not have insurance, are self employed or qualify as low-income. I agree with Candice. Get your ass and all your other body parts to a clinic and get a REAL test if you REALLY want to know what ails you.

  2. I was searching for information on the “self diagnosing” test strip. Your review and subsequent comments are helpful, to me at least. I hate going to the doctor myself, but sometimes it’s necessary, at least for women. There really is NO excuse for not getting regular pap smears. There are plenty of free or low-cost health clinics for those who do not have insurance, are self employed or qualify as low-income. I agree with Candice. Get your ass and all your other body parts to a clinic and get a REAL test if you REALLY want to know what ails you.

  3. So it’s Saturday night and my cooch is on fire, and not in a good way. My university’s health clinic, as well as my gyno’s office, will not be open until Monday morning, IF I can score an appointment. Am I considering using a Vagisil Screening Kit? You bet your ass I am, which is how I discovered this blog. The kit sounds potentially lame, but I am trying to keep an open mind, and seek out the pros and cons, from medical professionals, which makes this blog posting especially useless (my fault for reading it). You present a weak argument against the kit, largely focusing on the cost, and the inevitableness (in your view) of visiting a clinician in the end anyway, while the medical shortcomings, as opposed to economic downsides, are not really addressed.

    On top of this, I was very off-put by the manner in which you ignore the realities of healthcare in the US, choosing to instead chastise people for a supposed ignorant resistance to visiting the doctor. In a humane and just world, everyone would have access to healthcare, even on the weekends, but the United States is far from that ideal. People lack access to healthcare for many reasons, but especially due to geographical and economic conditions that put visits to the doctor out of reach. I am one of the privileged, as I imagine you are too, for whom medical attention IS a $20 copay (which I can afford) and short drive away. But for so many, this is not the case, and the reasons are complex and diverse.

    I feel that to make universal statements such as those made in this post is to dangerously simplify an important and controversial issue in the US today, and is rude to those who do not fit into your black-and-white, go-to-the-doctor-or-you-are-a-moron, view of the world. Open your eyes and be compassionate!

  4. So it’s Saturday night and my cooch is on fire, and not in a good way. My university’s health clinic, as well as my gyno’s office, will not be open until Monday morning, IF I can score an appointment. Am I considering using a Vagisil Screening Kit? You bet your ass I am, which is how I discovered this blog. The kit sounds potentially lame, but I am trying to keep an open mind, and seek out the pros and cons, from medical professionals, which makes this blog posting especially useless (my fault for reading it). You present a weak argument against the kit, largely focusing on the cost, and the inevitableness (in your view) of visiting a clinician in the end anyway, while the medical shortcomings, as opposed to economic downsides, are not really addressed.

    On top of this, I was very off-put by the manner in which you ignore the realities of healthcare in the US, choosing to instead chastise people for a supposed ignorant resistance to visiting the doctor. In a humane and just world, everyone would have access to healthcare, even on the weekends, but the United States is far from that ideal. People lack access to healthcare for many reasons, but especially due to geographical and economic conditions that put visits to the doctor out of reach. I am one of the privileged, as I imagine you are too, for whom medical attention IS a $20 copay (which I can afford) and short drive away. But for so many, this is not the case, and the reasons are complex and diverse.

    I feel that to make universal statements such as those made in this post is to dangerously simplify an important and controversial issue in the US today, and is rude to those who do not fit into your black-and-white, go-to-the-doctor-or-you-are-a-moron, view of the world. Open your eyes and be compassionate!

  5. My argument is a great one! The bit that applies to you at this moment: would you spend $15-$20 for this BS test? Sucker! The kit isn’t ENTIRELY useless (just MOSTLY useless). It does what it claims to do — not much, but not nothing. Can I understand using it in a case where you can’t get to the doctor right away — probably. BUT it does exactly the same thing as a $2 bottle of pH test strips, except that you might need to touch your girl parts, and look up the results on the interwebs, wah wah wah. So… it’s garbage! The markup on this thing is ginormous! Go with the budget option. Frequently the best option (oh, how I abhor wasted money). And then DO see your doctor on Monday. BTW, a yeast infection probably isn’t terribly ambiguous. You seem fairly intelligent. If you suspect it’s a yeast infection, even after having done web research — you’re probably right. Unless you’re in denial about some shady sex.

    I don’t ignore the realities of heath care in the US — it’s actually one thing I’m particularly interested in (having a husband who is currently seen by every provider we’ve applied to recently as uninsurable, and having moved here from Canada, where things are a bit screwy, but still manage to suck a MILLION times less). But my website never has been and never will be about going in-depth on controversial, political, or any sort of, well… anything. I could write a well-formed essay avec cheese and/or references telling you why most of (but not all) of your points and everyone else’s points above about health care are wrong, but frankly, I’m not interested, because it’s BORING, so I would rather just inform you of the fact that you’re wrong! And seeing as it’s my site, what I say goes, I win, nyah nyah. Go to the doctor! You are a moron! Okay, so you’re just MOSTLY full of shit. Still doesn’t change the fact that this product is basically exploitative of ignorance (actually, that’s not something I couldn’t be persuaded to condone, if it earned me some cheese — Vagisil is SO win in this situation).

    I don’t have a black and white view of the world. I have complex, well-considered opinions on just about everything. Believe me or don’t! Because here’s the thing. I don’t care if random nobodies (or random somebodies, for that matter) from the internet know about them, understand them, agree with them, care about them, identify with them, whatever… Hell, I don’t care if anybody reads this site, period. And I don’t care if they do. It’s mainly for myself, and consists of unedited, spur-of-the-moment ramblings and rantings that I frequently disagree with five minutes after I post them. I don’t claim to be consistent, accurate, reliable, nice, thoughtful, compassionate, concise, or uh… anything but the BOSS around here. I take a stab at all of the above now and again, but if I’m not in the mood — meh! What do I lose or care? Nuffin.

    I do stand by at least two things, however. The Vagisil kit is junk, and there is no god.

    In any case. GIGGLEPUSS!?

  6. My argument is a great one! The bit that applies to you at this moment: would you spend $15-$20 for this BS test? Sucker! The kit isn’t ENTIRELY useless (just MOSTLY useless). It does what it claims to do — not much, but not nothing. Can I understand using it in a case where you can’t get to the doctor right away — probably. BUT it does exactly the same thing as a $2 bottle of pH test strips, except that you might need to touch your girl parts, and look up the results on the interwebs, wah wah wah. So… it’s garbage! The markup on this thing is ginormous! Go with the budget option. Frequently the best option (oh, how I abhor wasted money). And then DO see your doctor on Monday. BTW, a yeast infection probably isn’t terribly ambiguous. You seem fairly intelligent. If you suspect it’s a yeast infection, even after having done web research — you’re probably right. Unless you’re in denial about some shady sex.

    I don’t ignore the realities of heath care in the US — it’s actually one thing I’m particularly interested in (having a husband who is currently seen by every provider we’ve applied to recently as uninsurable, and having moved here from Canada, where things are a bit screwy, but still manage to suck a MILLION times less). But my website never has been and never will be about going in-depth on controversial, political, or any sort of, well… anything. I could write a well-formed essay avec cheese and/or references telling you why most of (but not all) of your points and everyone else’s points above about health care are wrong, but frankly, I’m not interested, because it’s BORING, so I would rather just inform you of the fact that you’re wrong! And seeing as it’s my site, what I say goes, I win, nyah nyah. Go to the doctor! You are a moron! Okay, so you’re just MOSTLY full of shit. Still doesn’t change the fact that this product is basically exploitative of ignorance (actually, that’s not something I couldn’t be persuaded to condone, if it earned me some cheese — Vagisil is SO win in this situation).

    I don’t have a black and white view of the world. I have complex, well-considered opinions on just about everything. Believe me or don’t! Because here’s the thing. I don’t care if random nobodies (or random somebodies, for that matter) from the internet know about them, understand them, agree with them, care about them, identify with them, whatever… Hell, I don’t care if anybody reads this site, period. And I don’t care if they do. It’s mainly for myself, and consists of unedited, spur-of-the-moment ramblings and rantings that I frequently disagree with five minutes after I post them. I don’t claim to be consistent, accurate, reliable, nice, thoughtful, compassionate, concise, or uh… anything but the BOSS around here. I take a stab at all of the above now and again, but if I’m not in the mood — meh! What do I lose or care? Nuffin.

    I do stand by at least two things, however. The Vagisil kit is junk, and there is no god.

    In any case. GIGGLEPUSS!?

  7. Granted, I shouldn’t really expect random visitors to my site from search engines (this entry currently gets the most hits of anything on the site, not counting my webcam, of course) to understand the philosophy of this site immediately (that philosophy hasn’t changed since 1998, bitches!)

    At my worst, my thoughts probably still seem as though I’d cling to them if my very life depended upon my letting them go. It’s just the way I write. I shrug. I’m fond of precise language, despite being crazily loose with it at times, and despite never bothering to edit or even re-read. In reality, once the words leave my mind, and hit paper or screen, I reject ownership of them. They’re just so much ephemera, really. That and I’m often playing the devil’s advocate for fun and profit.

  8. Granted, I shouldn’t really expect random visitors to my site from search engines (this entry currently gets the most hits of anything on the site, not counting my webcam, of course) to understand the philosophy of this site immediately (that philosophy hasn’t changed since 1998, bitches!)

    At my worst, my thoughts probably still seem as though I’d cling to them if my very life depended upon my letting them go. It’s just the way I write. I shrug. I’m fond of precise language, despite being crazily loose with it at times, and despite never bothering to edit or even re-read. In reality, once the words leave my mind, and hit paper or screen, I reject ownership of them. They’re just so much ephemera, really. That and I’m often playing the devil’s advocate for fun and profit.

  9. So what I’m wondering is:
    This girl knows she won’t be able to go to the doctor until at least some time this week, so what’s the point of the screening kit? Apart from spending about 10 times what a simple PH test is worth, and having the knowledge you have a yeast infection three days before the doctor confirms this and prescribes you something to take care of it.

    Well, that or wrongly assuming it’s “just” a yeast infection and carrying on with a bad case of something far worse.

    Again, I don’t see the point.

  10. So what I’m wondering is:
    This girl knows she won’t be able to go to the doctor until at least some time this week, so what’s the point of the screening kit? Apart from spending about 10 times what a simple PH test is worth, and having the knowledge you have a yeast infection three days before the doctor confirms this and prescribes you something to take care of it.

    Well, that or wrongly assuming it’s “just” a yeast infection and carrying on with a bad case of something far worse.

    Again, I don’t see the point.

  11. I must say, right on to you, girl! I’m a fellow “overly opinionated” woman in my mid twenties. Isn’t it obnoxious when older women point out that because we’re young, we’re not supposed to have opinions?

    Now, I have to defend a TINY. Not a lot of people have health insurance these days. Actually, up until my enlistment to the Navy is complete, I’m one of them!


    I agree with you. It is sheer idiocy to buy a $15 test that is so obviously a PH testing stick. Why not buy the real things, actually TOUCH yourself, and get the same results? If you can’t afford the money to go to a doctor about a possible yeast infection, then why are you wasting $15 on a stupid test anyhow? Instead of wasting your money, save up enough cash to go to an actual doctor.

    Honestly. Don’t some of these ladies recall elementary school science class? They gave us plenty of pH testing sticks, and we tested everything from orange juice to coca-cola.

    Also, in my experience, Vagisil, as well as other over the counter treatments, don’t do jack for a yeast infection. If you REALLY want to get rid of that obnoxious burning sensation, get a pill from your OB/GYN, take it like the box says, and you’re all better.

    If anything, there is a national service called Crisis Pregnancy Center. Go see them, they do STD testing for roughly $25, and the doctor there can give you a script of you have a yeast infection or vaginitis. Alternately, look into affordable STD testing in your area. A qualified doctor always administers the test, and if they find something wrong, they give you a script. For $10 more than this idiotic farce of a home test, you can get an actual doctor’s opinion, plus you can find out if you recently slept with a shady person!

    Is it really so difficult to make a rational decision these days?

  12. I must say, right on to you, girl! I’m a fellow “overly opinionated” woman in my mid twenties. Isn’t it obnoxious when older women point out that because we’re young, we’re not supposed to have opinions?

    Now, I have to defend a TINY. Not a lot of people have health insurance these days. Actually, up until my enlistment to the Navy is complete, I’m one of them!


    I agree with you. It is sheer idiocy to buy a $15 test that is so obviously a PH testing stick. Why not buy the real things, actually TOUCH yourself, and get the same results? If you can’t afford the money to go to a doctor about a possible yeast infection, then why are you wasting $15 on a stupid test anyhow? Instead of wasting your money, save up enough cash to go to an actual doctor.

    Honestly. Don’t some of these ladies recall elementary school science class? They gave us plenty of pH testing sticks, and we tested everything from orange juice to coca-cola.

    Also, in my experience, Vagisil, as well as other over the counter treatments, don’t do jack for a yeast infection. If you REALLY want to get rid of that obnoxious burning sensation, get a pill from your OB/GYN, take it like the box says, and you’re all better.

    If anything, there is a national service called Crisis Pregnancy Center. Go see them, they do STD testing for roughly $25, and the doctor there can give you a script of you have a yeast infection or vaginitis. Alternately, look into affordable STD testing in your area. A qualified doctor always administers the test, and if they find something wrong, they give you a script. For $10 more than this idiotic farce of a home test, you can get an actual doctor’s opinion, plus you can find out if you recently slept with a shady person!

    Is it really so difficult to make a rational decision these days?

  13. If you need a Magic Wand to tell you that you have a yeast infection, you don’t deserve to own a vagina.

  14. If you need a Magic Wand to tell you that you have a yeast infection, you don’t deserve to own a vagina.

  15. “Oh, my vagina is BURNING. I should go pay $15 on a simple pH test to see if there really IS something wrong with my vagina!!! OH EM GEE.”

  16. “Oh, my vagina is BURNING. I should go pay $15 on a simple pH test to see if there really IS something wrong with my vagina!!! OH EM GEE.”

  17. Kim said:

    If you need a Magic Wand to tell you that you have a yeast infection, you don’t deserve to own a vagina.

    That actually explains a lot … :(

  18. Kim said:

    If you need a Magic Wand to tell you that you have a yeast infection, you don’t deserve to own a vagina.

    That actually explains a lot … :(

  19. I think everyone has a good point. Sadly it has been said that America has the worst medical care and is the most expensive than anywhere else. I have to have HMO because I cant afford the better insurance. Having HMO the copay and prescriptions are still expensive. It would be nice to have a at home test that would determine whether you did have an infection or not. Some symptoms are not severe. I mean to pay a doctor to tell you to get some ovc stuff does seem like a waste of money. But on the other hand if you are having itching/burning you most likely have an infection and could just go get some OTC stuff? Perhaps if that didnt work then you should see a doctor? Especially if you have had one before you will know if you have it again? If you are having unprotected sex then you def. want to see a doc in case its something else. Why cant men be the one to have this problem lol. I dont think I would want to spend 15.00 on a at home test though so I will check out the ph strips. I checked out Savvycheck but could not find where to buy it?

  20. I think everyone has a good point. Sadly it has been said that America has the worst medical care and is the most expensive than anywhere else. I have to have HMO because I cant afford the better insurance. Having HMO the copay and prescriptions are still expensive. It would be nice to have a at home test that would determine whether you did have an infection or not. Some symptoms are not severe. I mean to pay a doctor to tell you to get some ovc stuff does seem like a waste of money. But on the other hand if you are having itching/burning you most likely have an infection and could just go get some OTC stuff? Perhaps if that didnt work then you should see a doctor? Especially if you have had one before you will know if you have it again? If you are having unprotected sex then you def. want to see a doc in case its something else. Why cant men be the one to have this problem lol. I dont think I would want to spend 15.00 on a at home test though so I will check out the ph strips. I checked out Savvycheck but could not find where to buy it?

  21. What Vagisil does (at least in my experience) is kills 95% of the yeasties, leaving the other 5% (the really mean guys) plenty of resources to go out of control, leaving you with one hell of a problem. If my doctor ever told me to just use the OTC shit, I’d say hellllllll no, you write me a prescription, mister!

    I guess I might just be unlucky, though. I suppose one COULD just skip the pH test and try the OTC stuff, to see if it would work. Yeah, if your problem goes away, I guess that was it! But I somehow doubt that using medicine one doesn’t necessarily need is a terribly good idea. If it’s something else, who knows… you could kill off all your yeast (there’s always some), and make room for whatever nastier thing you’ve got. If you’ve had a yeast infection before, though… it’s pretty easy to tell when another one pops up.

  22. What Vagisil does (at least in my experience) is kills 95% of the yeasties, leaving the other 5% (the really mean guys) plenty of resources to go out of control, leaving you with one hell of a problem. If my doctor ever told me to just use the OTC shit, I’d say hellllllll no, you write me a prescription, mister!

    I guess I might just be unlucky, though. I suppose one COULD just skip the pH test and try the OTC stuff, to see if it would work. Yeah, if your problem goes away, I guess that was it! But I somehow doubt that using medicine one doesn’t necessarily need is a terribly good idea. If it’s something else, who knows… you could kill off all your yeast (there’s always some), and make room for whatever nastier thing you’ve got. If you’ve had a yeast infection before, though… it’s pretty easy to tell when another one pops up.

  23. The longer people keep replying to this topic, the more I’m tempted to google images for “yeast infection” so I’ll have at least some idea what you’re talking about. But I’ll probably regret that afterwards …

  24. The longer people keep replying to this topic, the more I’m tempted to google images for “yeast infection” so I’ll have at least some idea what you’re talking about. But I’ll probably regret that afterwards …

  25. It’s best never to Google images of any sort of infection or disease — the only images that make it online in the first place are worst-case-scenario, so they’re guaranteed to be ultra disgusting.

  26. It’s best never to Google images of any sort of infection or disease — the only images that make it online in the first place are worst-case-scenario, so they’re guaranteed to be ultra disgusting.

  27. I must admit, I have a pretty strong stomach when it comes to that. As long as whatever I’m eating at the time doesn’t resemble the subject matter of the pictures (or fly-on-the-wall Emergency Room documentary for example) too closely, it won’t even affect my appetite.

    But the last thing I need is an added fear of women’s special places. Dating is hard enough as it is …

  28. I must admit, I have a pretty strong stomach when it comes to that. As long as whatever I’m eating at the time doesn’t resemble the subject matter of the pictures (or fly-on-the-wall Emergency Room documentary for example) too closely, it won’t even affect my appetite.

    But the last thing I need is an added fear of women’s special places. Dating is hard enough as it is …

  29. I stumbled upon all this when finding out about the kit like every woman I want to learn more about what goes on with my body. Then I found myself spending over 30min. reading all the lovely little comments from each of you. Yes, Some of you make good argument but for others….well lets just say i have heard better from my five year old but with a dirtier mouth! I have not tried the V. screening kit, and yes I see my doctor for everything! In fact I’ve already tacked a good 20 thousand dollars worth of bills just in a 1 hours worth of lying on a cold surgery table for some female anatomy complications (notice I didnt call it a coochie) I paid attention in medical terminology. or maybe its the simple fact of when addressing someone you dont know you treat them with respect! I dont thing that America’s health care isnt the only thing we need to work on! (how ’bout manners?) I am 25 years old with 2 wonderful and beautiful girls! To which I am the luckiest to have been able to have them when I did. For all that think of us younger gals as being unknowing to health/bodies and life….I laugh at the sheer stupidity at that thought! You will never undertand life until u can see through some one elses eyes. Dont get me wrong I am not praising this product but most of us does not have the luxury of having a doctor in our home town, which is worst when you take on the ever growing gas price, co-pay, visit bill and the labratory bill. also, not all of us have superman for a doctor I have had to wait sometimes up to a month for and appointment. And like all women the want reasurance to whats happening to there bodies and if it calms the mind of spending 15 dollars for some silly little wond to know now, then so be it ladies! You have a brain/heart you do what you think is right for you and not the ramblings of some over opinionated potty mouth!

  30. I stumbled upon all this when finding out about the kit like every woman I want to learn more about what goes on with my body. Then I found myself spending over 30min. reading all the lovely little comments from each of you. Yes, Some of you make good argument but for others….well lets just say i have heard better from my five year old but with a dirtier mouth! I have not tried the V. screening kit, and yes I see my doctor for everything! In fact I’ve already tacked a good 20 thousand dollars worth of bills just in a 1 hours worth of lying on a cold surgery table for some female anatomy complications (notice I didnt call it a coochie) I paid attention in medical terminology. or maybe its the simple fact of when addressing someone you dont know you treat them with respect! I dont thing that America’s health care isnt the only thing we need to work on! (how ’bout manners?) I am 25 years old with 2 wonderful and beautiful girls! To which I am the luckiest to have been able to have them when I did. For all that think of us younger gals as being unknowing to health/bodies and life….I laugh at the sheer stupidity at that thought! You will never undertand life until u can see through some one elses eyes. Dont get me wrong I am not praising this product but most of us does not have the luxury of having a doctor in our home town, which is worst when you take on the ever growing gas price, co-pay, visit bill and the labratory bill. also, not all of us have superman for a doctor I have had to wait sometimes up to a month for and appointment. And like all women the want reasurance to whats happening to there bodies and if it calms the mind of spending 15 dollars for some silly little wond to know now, then so be it ladies! You have a brain/heart you do what you think is right for you and not the ramblings of some over opinionated potty mouth!

  31. You know, for someone who’s had to shell out $20’000 for “female anatomy complications”, you seem surprisingly blasé about the chance of other women who might have a serious mishap as a result from not or wrongly treating an infection or worse.

    In case it wasn’t clear from the start, the Vagisil screening kit doesn’t seem to be doing much more than a $2 PH testing kit, and you should still really see a doctor when something is wrong. So why insist on wasting $15 in order to know absolutely nothing more than you did before you did the test? Considering the price of a false negative (or the unwarranted worrying resulting from a false positive), you might as well save yourself the trouble and just go to the doctor anyway.

    For the record, I find it hard to believe there’s places (in the US that is) where you have to wait a month before you can see the doctor. I’d say a town like that is in serious need of at least a second doctor. If the first doctor’s workload is that high, obviously, business isn’t lacking, so it’s not like you couldn’t make a living there.

    Especially considering things like a cold and the flu have run its course in a week or two at most. So by the time the doc can see you, you’re either dead or no longer sick.

  32. You know, for someone who’s had to shell out $20’000 for “female anatomy complications”, you seem surprisingly blasé about the chance of other women who might have a serious mishap as a result from not or wrongly treating an infection or worse.

    In case it wasn’t clear from the start, the Vagisil screening kit doesn’t seem to be doing much more than a $2 PH testing kit, and you should still really see a doctor when something is wrong. So why insist on wasting $15 in order to know absolutely nothing more than you did before you did the test? Considering the price of a false negative (or the unwarranted worrying resulting from a false positive), you might as well save yourself the trouble and just go to the doctor anyway.

    For the record, I find it hard to believe there’s places (in the US that is) where you have to wait a month before you can see the doctor. I’d say a town like that is in serious need of at least a second doctor. If the first doctor’s workload is that high, obviously, business isn’t lacking, so it’s not like you couldn’t make a living there.

    Especially considering things like a cold and the flu have run its course in a week or two at most. So by the time the doc can see you, you’re either dead or no longer sick.

  33. Why not just go pay 2 dollars for some ph test strips, simple as where do you expect to find it written in black and white the vaginal issue you have? The test would come with the little convienite chart listing the color to the issue. (It may be wrong, but still)
    Its easy, everyone wants an easier way, a faster way.

    I’m not going to touch on, well just go to your doctor. Because to each their own on that, they all got their reasons.

  34. Why not just go pay 2 dollars for some ph test strips, simple as where do you expect to find it written in black and white the vaginal issue you have? The test would come with the little convienite chart listing the color to the issue. (It may be wrong, but still)
    Its easy, everyone wants an easier way, a faster way.

    I’m not going to touch on, well just go to your doctor. Because to each their own on that, they all got their reasons.

  35. As the name insinuates, the veridical topic of this website is “Is Candice A Cunt?” Am I the only one who finds the idea of this little girl googling a couple “big” words all too likely and amusing? Now, don’t get me wrong, I am a female. But, it’s loud-mouthed, unrefined little shits such as Candice that make me wish women never gained equal rights. Conflictively, were that not to have been accomplished, I suppose I would never feel the gratifying moment of beating her at her own game. It’s not that she is over-opinionated that is the issue here (although, I would never endeavor to argue the fact,) but more or less what she is all but “saying” in her article and retaliations.
    “I’m an outspoken bitch, and I’m right. There can’t possibly be any other right way and I am obviously more intelligent than anyone in disagreement with me. My opinion is simply status quo.”
    Candice, you seem like a bitter piece of nothing, that can’t win an argument in the real world, so you need to try and do so ont he internet. You would get more out of life if you weren’t intentionally aspiring to be adversarial towards everyone.

    bluntly put kid, u suck at life. u should quit.

  36. As the name insinuates, the veridical topic of this website is “Is Candice A Cunt?” Am I the only one who finds the idea of this little girl googling a couple “big” words all too likely and amusing? Now, don’t get me wrong, I am a female. But, it’s loud-mouthed, unrefined little shits such as Candice that make me wish women never gained equal rights. Conflictively, were that not to have been accomplished, I suppose I would never feel the gratifying moment of beating her at her own game. It’s not that she is over-opinionated that is the issue here (although, I would never endeavor to argue the fact,) but more or less what she is all but “saying” in her article and retaliations.
    “I’m an outspoken bitch, and I’m right. There can’t possibly be any other right way and I am obviously more intelligent than anyone in disagreement with me. My opinion is simply status quo.”
    Candice, you seem like a bitter piece of nothing, that can’t win an argument in the real world, so you need to try and do so ont he internet. You would get more out of life if you weren’t intentionally aspiring to be adversarial towards everyone.

    bluntly put kid, u suck at life. u should quit.

  37. Well, I am right, after all, so… meh. The rest of what you have to say is therefore irrelevant, but I’m at work, and I’m bored…

    What are you so pissed about, *kid*? If you don’t like my attitude, screw off. Why waste your time here? What are you trying to accomplish? You don’t state any opinion on the original post itself, and you’re not about to “beat [me] at [my] own game” on my own website (especially if my “game” is arguing, since you give no evidence for any of your (mainly ad hominem) remarks, and again, do not even address the OP). From your IP address location, it seems unlikely that you know me, so you’re probably not a pre-existing enemy of mine (I didn’t check my logs to see how you got here — I’m not THAT bored). I’m left to assume that you’re just a bitter piece of nothing who is intentionally aspiring to be adversarial yadda yadda yadda.

    P.S. Based on the language above, I don’t think I would go around calling people unrefined if I were you. Not as an insult, in any case (I gather from the context that you meant it that way).

    …didn’t I close comments on this MONTHS AGO? Bah. Re-closing imminent.

  38. Well, I am right, after all, so… meh. The rest of what you have to say is therefore irrelevant, but I’m at work, and I’m bored…

    What are you so pissed about, *kid*? If you don’t like my attitude, screw off. Why waste your time here? What are you trying to accomplish? You don’t state any opinion on the original post itself, and you’re not about to “beat [me] at [my] own game” on my own website (especially if my “game” is arguing, since you give no evidence for any of your (mainly ad hominem) remarks, and again, do not even address the OP). From your IP address location, it seems unlikely that you know me, so you’re probably not a pre-existing enemy of mine (I didn’t check my logs to see how you got here — I’m not THAT bored). I’m left to assume that you’re just a bitter piece of nothing who is intentionally aspiring to be adversarial yadda yadda yadda.

    P.S. Based on the language above, I don’t think I would go around calling people unrefined if I were you. Not as an insult, in any case (I gather from the context that you meant it that way).

    …didn’t I close comments on this MONTHS AGO? Bah. Re-closing imminent.

  39. Gee how nice you have health insurance unlike the 46.3 million people in American reported last year who didn't. That $20 copay turns into a $200 + office visit. If a $15 test can tell you whether to grab the monistat or figure out where you're going to find the money to go to a friggin doctor then bring it on.

  40. Oh, great. Thanks for reminding me to lock this thread. It keeps attracting visitors from Google, and since in general, the smarter ones are able to tell from the summary that this site isn't really a health site, the ones that end up here seem… a little slow.

    Why didn't my WordPress comments migrate over, Disqus? I'll have to run that import process again, I guess.

    Oh, well. Let me explain to you what I'm pretty sure I explained in the old thread.

    A $15 test CANNOT tell you whether you need to go to the doctor. The instructions tell you to consult one anyway. If you've had a yeast infection before, you KNOW when you've got one again, so why the fuck do you need the test? If you've never had one, you need to go see a doctor regardless, because it could be something else. Basically, all the test does is determine what kind of worried you're going to be in the waiting room. (And if you're skipping the doctor, and relying on the test for your medical advice, DAMN, I hope you're not unlucky and it really is a yeast infection.) (If you're skipping the doctor, and relying on the test, you're doubly dumb for ignoring that bit in my post about those $1.50 pH strips your pharmacist can give you.)

    I've been without insurance before, and may be again in the near future. I have never paid more than $100, even at an emergency clinic, so I don't know where you're going, but you're being ripped off.

    Now, I'll be locking this again to keep my blog safe from the stupid once again.

  41. Gee how nice you have health insurance unlike the 46.3 million people in American reported last year who didn't. That $20 copay turns into a $200 + office visit. If a $15 test can tell you whether to grab the monistat or figure out where you're going to find the money to go to a friggin doctor then bring it on.

  42. Oh, great. Thanks for reminding me to lock this thread. It keeps attracting visitors from Google, and since in general, the smarter ones are able to tell from the summary that this site isn't really a health site, the ones that end up here seem… a little slow.

    Why didn't my WordPress comments migrate over, Disqus? I'll have to run that import process again, I guess.

    Oh, well. Let me explain to you what I'm pretty sure I explained in the old thread.

    A $15 test CANNOT tell you whether you need to go to the doctor. The instructions tell you to consult one anyway. If you've had a yeast infection before, you KNOW when you've got one again, so why the fuck do you need the test? If you've never had one, you need to go see a doctor regardless, because it could be something else. Basically, all the test does is determine what kind of worried you're going to be in the waiting room. (And if you're skipping the doctor, and relying on the test for your medical advice, DAMN, I hope you're not unlucky and it really is a yeast infection.) (If you're skipping the doctor, and relying on the test, you're doubly dumb for ignoring that bit in my post about those $1.50 pH strips your pharmacist can give you.)

    I've been without insurance before, and may be again in the near future. I have never paid more than $100, even at an emergency clinic, so I don't know where you're going, but you're being ripped off.

    Now, I'll be locking this again to keep my blog safe from the stupid once again.

  43. your kinda dumb not all ppl with insurence pay 20 ollar copay mine is 30 to 400 and 200 for a spesalist so back off just cause you think vagisil is stupid dont mean others o sorry you ignorant to the fact 15 dollar maybe answer helps out more then 20 to 40 dollar co pay not including what you pay for the testing side of things hell my octor couldnt tell me i had tosilidis after seeing here every month for a year with the same thought condition so no doctors arnt even 90% acurate

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