Majikthise : Second Life vandals deface Edwards HQ with blackface
Suffice it to say that defacing the Edwards HQ with excrement and blackface was a pathetic waste of time.
Suffice it to say that whoever did this has a lot of time on their hands, and that wasting time was exactly what they were going for.
The guys who did this are most likely teenaged forum goons.
Yep. Definitely. Or maybe they’re from eBaum’s World.
I doubt it, I hear those vandals from youtu/b/e can have malicious intent
I doubt it, I hear those vandals from youtu/b/e can have malicious intent
Haha! I see what you did there! With the /b/ and all! Clever!
Haha! I see what you did there! With the /b/ and all! Clever!
Children, children…
Children, children…
And the women that love them.
Let’s do a sitcom.
And the women that love them.
Let’s do a sitcom.
Who the fuck is this Koray who posts on every blog post of yours?
Who the fuck is this Koray who posts on every blog post of yours?