I paid my Comcast bill by phone today, because the website is an idiot. To better serve me, they had me punch in my phone number right away, in order to access my account. Then, to better serve me, they had me punch in my phone number after I selected the billing menu, so that my account could be verified. Then, the first thing the agent did when she came on the line was ask me for my phone number, in order to pull up my account. Inefficiency irritates me more than most other things. And most other things irritate me an awful lot.
But.. it’s to better serve you. What part of “better serve you” don’t you understand. They wouldn’t just say that if they didn’t mean it.
In other news: I’m kinda thirsty. Thought you might wanna know.
But.. it’s to better serve you. What part of “better serve you” don’t you understand. They wouldn’t just say that if they didn’t mean it.
In other news: I’m kinda thirsty. Thought you might wanna know.
Chicken nuggets, made with 100% white chicken!
Chicken nuggets, made with 100% white chicken!
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