Election endorsements

I’ve seen a reasonably high percentage of the blogs that are nominated for this year’s Weblog Awards, but most of them don’t deserve the Candice Seal of Approval (in accordance with Sturgeon’s Law, 99% of everything is shit). I will only be voting in six categories, since they’re the only categories of weblogs I really browse often. All of them have sites I look at every day in them, so… go vote for these. I read most of the science category, but I’m going to vote on alternating days for just two of them.

Also, as penance for a bitchy comment I left in Raymi’s blog, I am requiring myself to specifically mention that you’d better check out her site, and vote accordingly as well, because she’s a pretty bitchin’ chick. Seriously, you’ve got to respect anyone that is intelligent, confident, funny, pretty and original but that also doesn’t let it go to their head and turn them into a douchey, pretentious, self-important, self-righteous dipshit. It hardly ever happens. Plus, Dooce sucks, and I don’t want her to win. Please kill me if I ever start a mommy blog (not that I intend to become a mommy any time in the next oh… 50 years), and kill me twice if it’s half as insipid.

Yeah so, the image takes you to vote for Raymi, too… I can’t help it if she’s persuasive…

The 2006 Weblog Awards

Anywho, you can click any of the category names to go directly to the relevant voting page:

Best Diarist: Raymi the Minx

Best Comic Strip: Savage Chickens

Best Canadian Blog: Matthew Good

Best Science Blog: Pharyngula and The Bad Astronomy Blog

Best Medical Health Issues Blog: Respectful Insolence

Best Gossip Blog: The Superficial

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