Dasani always tasted a little soapy. Now they’ve taken it to a new level of disgusting by adding fruit flavours. Mmm! Lemon Joy! Do not drink it. PS if you’re buying bottled tap water and you have an alternative, you’re an idiot anyway. I guess then you might actually like something as horrifying as the liquified evil I just drank. Anyway. New Jersey, your lack of cellphone reception disappoints me. No e-mail and no RSS makes Candice something something. Glad to be leaving your sorry state of a state.
Having grown up in the great Garden State, I can say with confidence that I’d rather live in NJ than Canada any day of the week (and twice on Sundays).
Having grown up in the great Garden State, I can say with confidence that I’d rather live in NJ than Canada any day of the week (and twice on Sundays).