Yet again, the universe has proven that I’ve been given more than my fair share of the world’s luck supply. Woke up already an hour late for class (for no particular reason, I mean, I got over 15 hours of sleep last night), and found that it was cancelled. Probably just for me… They were all so distraught that I wasn’t there that they packed up and left. Yeah, I wish. Of course, it took me a while to find out that the class was cancelled and not just moved to a different location, despite the signs on the doors (hey, I’d been awake only 10 minutes, okay?). Somebody eventually had to tell me. Wow, don’t I feel stupid. Wheee. I’m in the computer lab upstairs in the Image Arts building because… too lazy to walk allll the way back, half a block to res.
Something I’ve noticed while I’ve been sitting here typing…
Looking at a non-flat computer screen…
Is hella weird.
Haven’t used a computer with one of these for…
who even knows.
I’m going home now.
Project to work on.
Other project to buy
“black adhesive film”
Ack. And must purchase a zip disk for Production class.
Don’t let me forget. Okay?