Sucking on some Nips

Yeah, that’s not really relevant to this post at all, but I’m obligated to say some such lameass thing whenever I eat this candy, and Sean ain’t here to hear it (and as if there’s every anything relevant to anything in this space to begin with). Nips hard candy. Hard Nips. Who the fuck named these. Alls I know is they’re going to rip the molars out of my jaw one of these days.


Yeah, so I disappear for months at a time now and then. It’s just what I do. Check the archives. Those gaps can be blamed 50/50 on sleeping on floors and having no internet access, or super mental bouts of depression (also, catastrophic data loss). I haven’t been sleeping on floors lately, BTW. But I figured… it’s freakin’ March and shit, lady. Snap the fuck out of it. The last time I posted anything here was November. Pretty bad.

I also blame Twitter, in part, because now I can complain about anything instantly, and get it out of my system before it becomes a full-fledged rant that I need to blather on about later. And having a job, and having no ability to post blog entries on the bus, which is where most of the annoyances in my life occur (thank fucking Jebus that puffy coat season is almost over). Those all get written down on paper. And I can’t read half of them later, so they’re just lost. I think I’ve also written approximately 7642 drafts (25 in actuality, at least 3 of which are about how much Comcast sucks) but I just haven’t had an attention span to match that of a goldfish since fall.

Meh to all of this. I’ll be sure to post something more interesting in another four months or so. I’m going to make chili now. And repot some plants. And clean the bathroom. And drink some beer. And most importantly, get off of my damned ass. I hate computers.

12 thoughts on “Sucking on some Nips

  1. Yeah. I figured since I found out about twitter back in 2006, I’ve completely neglected my blog.

  2. Yeah. I figured since I found out about twitter back in 2006, I’ve completely neglected my blog.


    I think I might have actually found your site through there… Do I already follow you? I wish those lists were in alphabetical order. Makes it too hard to check things like that. Either that or I follow too many people.


    I think I might have actually found your site through there… Do I already follow you? I wish those lists were in alphabetical order. Makes it too hard to check things like that. Either that or I follow too many people.

  5. I can’t even remember how I got onto this site. Must’ve been through skepchick.
    My current time-suck is facebook. I reserve a special place of hate/love for the person who hooked me onto that. I’ll save one for you in case I ever get into twitter. God I hope not …

    Also, hard candy ripped out one of my fillings last year. It also broke off a whole corner of one of my molars in the process.

  6. I can’t even remember how I got onto this site. Must’ve been through skepchick.
    My current time-suck is facebook. I reserve a special place of hate/love for the person who hooked me onto that. I’ll save one for you in case I ever get into twitter. God I hope not …

    Also, hard candy ripped out one of my fillings last year. It also broke off a whole corner of one of my molars in the process.

  7. I find that Twitter is only useful for people with friends. Your little Twitter feed did remind me to go hunting for discount candy produced in the name of Zombie Jesus, though. I guess it’s good for something.

    But anyway, welcome back to blogging. I guess that was a while ago now…so hopefully that means you’re almost due for another post.

  8. I find that Twitter is only useful for people with friends. Your little Twitter feed did remind me to go hunting for discount candy produced in the name of Zombie Jesus, though. I guess it’s good for something.

    But anyway, welcome back to blogging. I guess that was a while ago now…so hopefully that means you’re almost due for another post.

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