Go to hell, Unicru

Dear Unicru,

It seems that at least half of the jobs I’ve been applying to lately use your software to handle applications. Don’t you think you could allow people to set up a profile on your site instead of making me cut and paste sections of my resumé into eight thousand different form fields over and over again? These companies are all asking the same questions, so it would be useful if you’d remember my answers. Those goddamn online applications are seventy-seven pages long! At least!



15 thoughts on “Go to hell, Unicru

  1. Stop applying online, they throw internet submissions away.

    True fucking story. Get off your lazy ass and talk to a person.

  2. Stop applying online, they throw internet submissions away.

    True fucking story. Get off your lazy ass and talk to a person.

  3. Nah, that’s a terrible idea. I’m not talking about real jobs, where you call and get the hiring managers name so you look like a suckup in your cover letter and all that garbage. I determined that I’m just going to get a BS part-time job, instead of actually having to do any “work”. And all the people responsible for hiring for those sorts of jobs just say “yeah, go to the website and fill out the application”. And then you fill out the BS multiple-choice personality test, and if you don’t do it properly, they’re not allowed to hire you until you do it seven more times and pick the right answers. Goddamn bureaucratic gobbeldygook.

  4. Nah, that’s a terrible idea. I’m not talking about real jobs, where you call and get the hiring managers name so you look like a suckup in your cover letter and all that garbage. I determined that I’m just going to get a BS part-time job, instead of actually having to do any “work”. And all the people responsible for hiring for those sorts of jobs just say “yeah, go to the website and fill out the application”. And then you fill out the BS multiple-choice personality test, and if you don’t do it properly, they’re not allowed to hire you until you do it seven more times and pick the right answers. Goddamn bureaucratic gobbeldygook.

  5. Uhm do you actually want to make money or are you just bored and want something to do…

    If your bored why not just apply for any random jobs you see on craigslist…

    Baring that why don’t you add some Google ad sense to your blog and try to make some click money.

    By the way, you should try stumble upon, it’s mondo gay.

  6. Uhm do you actually want to make money or are you just bored and want something to do…

    If your bored why not just apply for any random jobs you see on craigslist…

    Baring that why don’t you add some Google ad sense to your blog and try to make some click money.

    By the way, you should try stumble upon, it’s mondo gay.

  7. Mostly bored. I don’t need to make much money.

    I’ve tried applying to Ad Sense before. I think there’s always been too much profanity on the main page when I’ve done it, or something. I get rejected.

    Stumbleupon amuses me whenever I run out of blogs to read.

  8. Mostly bored. I don’t need to make much money.

    I’ve tried applying to Ad Sense before. I think there’s always been too much profanity on the main page when I’ve done it, or something. I get rejected.

    Stumbleupon amuses me whenever I run out of blogs to read.

  9. I did not pass the unicru personality test for a sales job. I am a laid off elementary school teacher with 20 years experience. I was “flagged” and scored low for not being able to get along with people. Many companies use this to screen applications, kind of a polygraph into future employees minds. Advice — strongly agree or strongly disagree. The questions ask the same thing over and over. Lie or answer consistantly. Be overly compliant or milk toasty if it is a sales job. If you do not get a callback, talk to the human resource person about your scores in each area. Ask if you were red-flagged. It sucks looking for a job …. UNICRU is reflective of laziness on the part of the employer.

  10. I did not pass the unicru personality test for a sales job. I am a laid off elementary school teacher with 20 years experience. I was “flagged” and scored low for not being able to get along with people. Many companies use this to screen applications, kind of a polygraph into future employees minds. Advice — strongly agree or strongly disagree. The questions ask the same thing over and over. Lie or answer consistantly. Be overly compliant or milk toasty if it is a sales job. If you do not get a callback, talk to the human resource person about your scores in each area. Ask if you were red-flagged. It sucks looking for a job …. UNICRU is reflective of laziness on the part of the employer.

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