Windows Vista is an Asshole

Does not save my sounds settings. Does not save my taskbar settings (if I turn on auto-hide, it’s off again after I reboot). Does not save my desktop settings (if I uncheck “show desktop icons”, they’re back on again after I reboot — curiously, “show desktop items” is still unchecked). Took me altogether too long to get Firefox working as my default browser (and in the end I wasn’t satisfied with the half-assedness, so I installed a nightly build instead). Also, this shit is slow. Pretty lame, Milhouse. Yet, it somehow works better than my latest install of XP.

But there are no compatible drivers for my sound card. M-Audio’s fault, though. Bleh.

4 thoughts on “Windows Vista is an Asshole

  1. We live in an age where a Window can also be an Asshole. That means the sun can shine into it and out of it!


  2. We live in an age where a Window can also be an Asshole. That means the sun can shine into it and out of it!


  3. Any resolution to your task bar issue? I’ve got the same amazingly “useful feature” as you do. Kills me.


  4. Any resolution to your task bar issue? I’ve got the same amazingly “useful feature” as you do. Kills me.


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