Attention to MP3 Taggers

When filling in the “track” field…

Correct: 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, etc.

Incorrect: 1/12, 2/12, 3/12, 4/12. 5/12, etc.
Please be more diligent in future.

2 thoughts on “Attention to MP3 Taggers

  1. Also, don’t rename a track unless you know what you’re doing. I used to hav a big long essay on this subject. Anyway, the primary argument against this was a cover song I had which I can’t remember the name of.

    The copy I had said it was done by Everclear.

    I found another copy that said it was the Presidents of the United States
    and several others that said it was someone else entirely.

    The point is, even if it may sound like another band, chances are the person who first created the track knew who the original band was.

  2. Also, don’t rename a track unless you know what you’re doing. I used to hav a big long essay on this subject. Anyway, the primary argument against this was a cover song I had which I can’t remember the name of.

    The copy I had said it was done by Everclear.

    I found another copy that said it was the Presidents of the United States
    and several others that said it was someone else entirely.

    The point is, even if it may sound like another band, chances are the person who first created the track knew who the original band was.

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