hi, i like your blog, eh. no not a canadian, native chicagoan, but i worked for bp long enough to appreciate the “correct” way of spelling english. first you have to ‘organise’ your thoughts.
your blog is cool, i’d appreciate a link.
thanks, ed
hi, i like your blog, eh. no not a canadian, native chicagoan, but i worked for bp long enough to appreciate the “correct” way of spelling english. first you have to ‘organise’ your thoughts.
hi, i like your blog, eh. no not a canadian, native chicagoan, but i worked for bp long enough to appreciate the “correct” way of spelling english. first you have to ‘organise’ your thoughts.
your blog is cool, i’d appreciate a link.
thanks, ed
hi, i like your blog, eh. no not a canadian, native chicagoan, but i worked for bp long enough to appreciate the “correct” way of spelling english. first you have to ‘organise’ your thoughts.
your blog is cool, i’d appreciate a link.
thanks, ed