I’m a fan of 4’33”, but I’m not sure about this one.
That’s alright, random Frenchman. Dada is supposed to offend you.
I caught the repeat of this last night. Pat Robertson makes me even angrier than Bill O’Reilly.
I know that GIF is supposed to be pronounced “jif”, and I don’t care. There is another file format that is both spelled AND pronounced JIF. So. Meh.
Speaking of O’Reilly, here’s Letterman giving him a smack down on his “War on Christmas” BS. “I have a feeling that 60% of what you say is crap”.
“I don’t need to preach atheism — all I need to do is point out the palpable structure of reality in the growing detail science provides for us, and those who are awake and aware will notice the disparity between the world around them and the clumsy, ste