links for 2005-12-25 Posted on 12/25/2005 by Candice Fuck Christmas Yes. Fuck it. (tags: atheism christianity christmas culture Religion Politics rants FOX o’reilly) Janice Turner The Times Online – Why real men don’t need kiwi fruit “Male beauty is the cosmetics industry’s new gold rush.” (tags: opinion commentary culture beauty cosmetics aesthetics) The Top 10 weirdest case mods (tags: computer hardware geek case mods DIY lists) Who is snooping on my email? (tags: privacy security politics nsa spying email) ColorBlender (tags: web design html color picker palette tools generator) little web icons / micro icons collection (tags: web design graphics icons) Anatomy of an Icon (tags: icons graphics tutorial photoshop web design) Simple, accessible external links (tags: css accessibility web design html tutorial) Fixed or fluid width? Elastic! (tags: web design layout elastic html css accessibility) Little Boxes (tags: css web design Layout html tutorial) CSS For Bar Graphs (tags: css web design tutorial html accessibility) Wiretaps said to sift all overseas contacts Oh, there’s a big surprise. That’s an incredible… I think I’m going to have a heart attack and die, from that surprise. (tags: privacy security politics nsa email surveillance internet)