Yes, little boy. I AM holding a cup of my own urine. Would you like a sip?

I have a few more job interviews, and I’m suspecting… a few more cups to pee in.

Crazy damn United States of America.

They should develop some sort of “uptight asshole” test.

Those are the people that need to be kept out of the work force.

Not a bunch of relaxed stoners…


Good evening. I am in a good mood because it seems like people actually want to hire me now.

But go figure. My work permit expires in a week or so, and I may or may not be able to renew it.

Crazy damn United States of America.

30 to 90 days to process an Employment Authorization Document?

It’s a damned dirty lie!

Then again, it’s legal for the government to lie to me. Essentially.

Crazy damn United States of America.

They don’t even have to apologize.

Even if their mistakes end up getting me deported.

Thank the universe that I took that law class.

I can read the regulations for myself, and defend myself against evil USCIS officers.

“You can’t do that” doesn’t hold up to “well, according to regulation #c4628.d, you can” very well.

Except that those types don’t like to be proven wrong, and are likely to say no, just ’cause they’re allowed to, and you offended their intelligence.

Crazy damn United States of America.

2 thoughts on “Yes, little boy. I AM holding a cup of my own urine. Would you like a sip?

  1. Your right the United Sates is all fucked up, we are a shadow of what we were, we jail more of our citzens than most 3 rd world countries. You spend 30 years in jail for pot what the fuck, you get a DUI it is like you killed someone. If you are going to punish people for what could happen then they need to arrest everyone who loses their temper, they have the potential to hurt someone. And with the seat belts, drug testing, roadside dui checks(illegal search and sezure) the goverment bitches they don’t have enough money to have are borders protected by security police, but the can hav 15 to 20 squad cars sitting along a road side pulling people over for seat belt vilolation, there not cops they are revinuers. We durg test people for work while the ones ordering the testing are stealing the company blind and the peoples retirement accounts too. Poeple of the united states are self rightous, under educated, and passified with religion. Well one good thing is when the next terroist attack come that all those killed will have a good chance that they will die alchol, and drug free, plus have their seat belts on.

  2. Your right the United Sates is all fucked up, we are a shadow of what we were, we jail more of our citzens than most 3 rd world countries. You spend 30 years in jail for pot what the fuck, you get a DUI it is like you killed someone. If you are going to punish people for what could happen then they need to arrest everyone who loses their temper, they have the potential to hurt someone. And with the seat belts, drug testing, roadside dui checks(illegal search and sezure) the goverment bitches they don’t have enough money to have are borders protected by security police, but the can hav 15 to 20 squad cars sitting along a road side pulling people over for seat belt vilolation, there not cops they are revinuers. We durg test people for work while the ones ordering the testing are stealing the company blind and the peoples retirement accounts too. Poeple of the united states are self rightous, under educated, and passified with religion. Well one good thing is when the next terroist attack come that all those killed will have a good chance that they will die alchol, and drug free, plus have their seat belts on.

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