i have entered a war of wills with a certain AIM user. i don’t know how it began. i think i didn’t notice his first few messages, and so he got it into his head that i was ignoring him. so i did. i do this quite frequently, just to see how far some people will take it. most of them give up pretty quickly. but some of them apparently add me to their buddy lists, and IM me every time i sign on, never giving up hope that i might one day grace them with… okay, well… i’m not sure what. because in my profile it basically states that i think all AIM users are morons, and that nobody should bother talking to me because they haven’t got anything useful or remotely interesting to say. i guess they all want to impress me. however, IMs reading “your hot” don’t generally accomplish this, so i’m not too firm on that theory. maybe it’s that they want to impress me, or maybe it’s my stunning beauty. i’m going to go with… both. but whatever the reason they do it, i am greatly amused by the amount of power it automatically gives me. without my even having to say a word, i become their superior. which brings me back to the extremely persistent individual who is currently engaging in a one-sided conversation with me. i am superior, but only until i give in and reply. how long can this go on? he tries to trick me by asking questions. just now, as i type this, he asked me something about the princess bride. and i’m tempted to answer, but no! i must not! it would transfer the power over to him! he must not win! this has gone on for quite a number of days, now, you’d think he’d give up. well, i always enjoy my internet stalkers. i wonder if this one has found his way to this page…

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